眼睛(eyes) 👀
鼻子(nose) 👃
嘴巴(mouth) 👄
耳朵(ears) 👂
eyes 眼睛
1. be up to your eyes in something 忙於;埋頭於;深陷於
2. have an eye for sth 對…有鑒賞力(或識別力、眼力)
3. catch someone’s eye 引人注目
4. the apple of someone's eye 心肝寶貝;掌上明珠
5. give someone a black eye 打得某人鼻青臉腫
6. be all eyes 關注著,留意著
7. shut one’s eye to 置之不理
8. see eye to eye (with) 意見一致
nose 鼻子
1. turn up one’s nose(at) 輕視,瞧不起
2. as plain as the nose on your face 顯而易見,一清二楚
3. get up someone's nose 煩擾,影響逼人
4. have your nose in something 專心致志地(讀書)
5. keep your nose clean 循規蹈矩;不做違法的事
6. keep your nose out of something 避免插手(他人的事);儘力不捲入(或介入)
mouth 嘴巴
1. by word of mouth 口頭上;經口述
2. keep your mouth shut 守口如瓶;保持緘默
3. make a mouth 做鬼臉
4. be all mouth 只說不做
5. down in the mouth 悶悶不樂;沮喪
6. have a big mouth 嘴不嚴;愛泄露秘密的;多嘴;吹牛;自吹自擂
7. mouth off (at/about something) 大聲地講述;大聲地抱怨
8. put your money where your mouth is 用行動證明自己的話
ear 耳朵
1. be all ears 全神貫注地聽;聚精會神地聽
2. be up to your ears in something 深陷於;埋頭於;忙於
3. be out on your ear 被迫離開(工作崗位等 )
4. someone's ears are burning(感到有人議論,尤指說閑話而)耳朵發熱
5. go in one ear and out the other = to be forgotten quickly 一隻耳朵進另一隻耳朵出;當作耳邊風
6. with half an ear 心不在焉地聽
7. music to your ears 好消息;令人滿意的信息
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